ancient Soccer

Ancient Soccer has been based on astronomical evidence that was documented way back during China's early years. It has been documented that there is a manual from the Chinese forces written in the Warring States Period. This period was ended to be during 476 B.C. Up to 221 B.C.

Cuju was the name which best describes the institution which de facto means kick ball. This performance originally included a leather ball that was needed to be kicked into a hole from a piece of cloth made up of silk. This cloth was put in the middle of two poles that range 30 feet or 9.1 M. The Cuju games became standardized during the Han Dynasty, a dynasty that existed from 206 B.C. Up to 220 A.D.

Sport Soccer

Rules were implemented during this period and its popularity reached Korea and Japan. The names of this performance in their respective countries were chuk-guk and kemari. during the period of the Chinese Tang Dynasty, the ball was enhanced and was air-filled. The Cuju games using air-filled ball started and became professionalized. Cuju was embraced by some habitancy and many players made a living out of it.

If the Chinese has the eastern version of soccer in the aged times, the aged Greeks and Romans on the other hand are their counterparts in the west. Many games and activities in aged Greece and aged Rome required a ball that utilized the feet thus soccer also has a inherent formulation from these activities and games by the Greeks and Romans. Such is the history of soccer that it reaches out far way back until the aged times. aged soccer is widely known as one of the oldest form of game that required the feet to play it.

ancient Soccer

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