A South African's Feelings on the FIFA 2010 World Cup

What are my feelings as a South African about the FIFA 2010 World Cup?

Up to now very positive. It has been very exciting anticipating about what potential the FIFA 2010 World Cup will do for our country, before and after the event. 3 billion viewers, 6 billion eyes will be on South Africa the thought is overwhelming.

I like seeing the investments in our roads, airports and in Johannesburg the massive public transport investments. The sight of cranes here and there, meaning our economy is growing. In fact the event has already created an estimated 129 000 jobs disparately needed in a country with over 40% unemployment rate.

Then, there is my utter disappointment. I feel so sad that S.A, having one of the most liberal constitutions in the world governed by the majority party the ANC is starting to back slide to their communist roots as SA starts to misbehave in the civilized world. This Causing major embarrassments to local South Africans and the rest of the world. Latest events like totally ignoring the political situation in Zimbabwe.

Again this week highlighted the close ties to China, when the ANC destroyed the PSL's plan to hold a peace conference in SA, by refusing entry to the Dalai Lama who was the guest of honor at the conference.

I watched Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu on our local news channel, crying as he expressed his intense disappointment at how the ANC has turned away from their moral values. He, went on to express how horrified and shocked he was that Trevor Manuel (SA's well liked finance minister)had insulted the Dalai Lama by asking "Who, exactly is the Dala Lama?".

As a South African, this has spoiled the spirit of SA hosting the FIFA 2010 World Cup here. It has left me feeling ashamed of the SA government the ANC. It also makes me scared about what the future holds in SA, as I wonder who is actually controlling the SA government? Clearly communist China...The question now remains why should the civilized world give SA an amazing event like this when they are behaving in such a irresponsible way?

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